Monday, 7 January 2019

Soccerchum Indonesia Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan media informasi online yang berbasis pada penggemar sepak bola liga-liga dunia di Indonesia. Saat ini kami sedang Mencari kandidat untuk

Web Developer

1.   Write well designed, testable, efficient and scalable code by using the best software development practices
2.   Create website layout and functions by using standard html/css practices
3.   Integrate data from various back-end services, databases or api's
4.   Create and maintain work and software documentation
5.   Cooperate with web designers to match visual design intent
6.   Learn on the job to implement and test new software features
7.   Ability to lead a team where necessary

1.   Proven work experience in web programming
2.   Top-notch programming skills and in-depth knowledge of modern HTML/CSS/JS/PHP
3.   Familiarity with at least one of the following programming languages: PHP,, javascript or Ruby on Rails
4.   A solid understanding of how web applications work (Security/Session Management)
5.   Adequate understanding and knowledge of relational database systems. object oriented programming and web application development
6.   Hands-on experience with network diagnostics, network analytics tools
7.   Basic knowledge of SEO
8.   Aggressive problem diagnosis and creative problem solving skills

CV harus dikirim via email ke : (format Bahasa inggris )

Kantor Pemuda City walk Pekanbaru
Contact :081276759955

Lamaran diterima paling lambat tgl 20 Januari 2019

Hari/Tanggal Terbit : Jumat 4 Januari 2019


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